
Westgate C.P. School


Welcome toWestgate C.P.School

Year 1/2

Welcome to Year 1/2!

Class Information

Supporting Home Learning


Dear Parents and Carers,


Following the successful home learning provision Westgate put in place from March 2020, we want to ensure you can access work for your children at any point if they are needing to self-isolate.  All home learning work set is still available on our Remote Learning page and your child can now work through the tasks for their year group. You do not need to worry about the date that it was set.


To support and supplement this work, there is also a link for the national provider called The Oak Academy. There is a huge amount of work here for you to choose from. Staff may well direct you to particular pages if any of our bubbles need to go into isolation, but otherwise, please feel free to browse to an appropriate link that you feel will stimulate and support your child's learning.


If a child is unwell, we do not expect them to complete work at home until they are well enough to do so.


Useful Links


If you would like any further information or have a question to ask about home learning, please do not hesitate to email your child's class teacher using the following email.


Mrs Bates and Mrs Mclean:

Mrs Cleaver and Mrs Draper:

Mrs Sawyer and Mrs Gaught: 


A staff member will get back to you as soon as possible, although this might not always be straight away due to personal circumstances or technical problems beyond their control.


If you feel you just need a listening ear, do get in contact with us here at school on 01284 755988 - there will always be someone who can talk things through with you.


Thank you for working with us to support your child's learning.
