
Westgate C.P. School


Welcome toWestgate C.P.School

SENDCo and Speech & Language



At Westgate C.P. School we value all children irrespective of their abilities and achievements. We strive to ensure that all children make good progress throughout their school life. With the introduction of the Children and Families Act, the SEN code of practice was revised. In light of this there are statutory duties placed upon schools regarding the provision for children with SEN and Disabilities.


SEND Code of Practice


Our teaching staff are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. The school does its best to ensure that all teachers are able to identify and provide for SEND pupils and we consider the teaching of children with special educational needs to be a whole school responsibility.


If you have concerns or worries about your child please email to make an appointment to see Mr Jason Jarvill, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) or phone the school office on 01284 755988.


Westgate C.P. School and Nursery and Bury School Partnership SEND Information

Further Information and Support 


The Department for Education has released a guide for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).



Further useful websites


Speech and Language Support


We have a dedicated Speech and Language Specialist Support Assistant, Mrs Green. 



Mrs Green has over 20 years experience in supporting children with their speech & language. She acts as Therapy Partner for our weekly visiting NHS Speech Therapists and provides the vital therapy work between visits which enables detailed feedback to be given to the therapists. This ensures targets are met.


Individual care plans are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each child.


Support is provided for children with speech and language immaturity through to significant and complex disorders.  This includes speech production and in all aspects of language development, including the use of Augmentative and Alternative communication (AAC), Talkpad (Proloquo2go) and Makaton.


Children entering Westgate C.P. School and Nursery can:

  • access early intervention & support.
  • be referred to SALT services (if required)
  • continue support after discharge from SALT services.
  • receive continuity of care from EYFS through to year 6 or until they are confident to use their skills as independent learners within the classroom.


Mrs Green works closely with our SENDCo Mr Jarvill and is happy to offer Parental support.  


