Spiritual, Moral, Social Cultural (SMSC) Statement
Promoting British Values
At Westgate CP School, our vision is to
As such, we aim to provide all the members of our school community with an inclusive, welcoming and exciting learning and working environment within which they can be happy, thrive and prosper.
At Westgate CP School, we are fully committed to a holistic approach to learning which provides numerous opportunities to enhance the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils whilst promoting the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance.
At Westgate, we aim to furnish pupils with a range of exciting learning opportunities which will enable them to develop the attitudes and skills necessary for them to grow into responsible, happy and productive individuals and citizens. This is achieved through an integrated approach to SMSC as illustrated below.
Pupils, teachers and governors have worked together to develop a set of Golden Rules and good Learning Behaviours (INSPIRE) which provide a strong moral compass and set out clear guidelines as to how children should behave and conduct themselves to maximise their learning in and outside of lessons.
Our Golden Rules are:
Our Inspire Learning Behaviours are:
Assemblies are an important part of our day, especially as it is a time we all get together. Our assemblies complement and supplement our Curriculum and provide opportunities for us to reflect upon a range of topical spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.
We aim to provide a rich and broad Curriculum, which is matched to the experiences, needs, interests and life goals of the children we serve.
Children enjoy theme days, day trips and residentials, which reinforce the learning taking place in the classroom and maximise opportunities for pupils to find something they excel at. They provide opportunities to improve self-esteem, develop team-work and resilience, and raise aspirations.
Pupils are encouraged to represent their school in a range of local sporting fixtures and tournaments such as football, rugby, tennis and cross country.
Whole school events such as Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Day, World Book Day, Comic Relief and Sports Day help bring the whole school community together and provide a memorable and meaningful context within which pupils can live their school’s values. Some of these days give us the opportunity to regularly support and raise money for, a range of charities such as the Royal British Legion, Gee-Whizz, Children in Need and our partner school in Rwanda.
Pupils are given the chance to gain valuable life skills by taking part in a whole range of volunteering schemes, such as Head Boy and Head Girl, School Council, Digital Leaders, Play Leaders, School Ambassadors and Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs).
Some of our SMSC events in 2020- 2021
(To be updated Shortly)