
Westgate C.P. School


Welcome toWestgate C.P.School

Parents' Evening Booking System


Our Autumn Term Parents' Evening is being held on Tuesday 28 March and Thursday 30 March.


Appointments will be held virtually via video link (using the same booking system that we used last year).


To book your appointments, please click here for our Parents' Evening Booking System.


The booking system will open on Tuesday 21st March at 11.00am and will close on Friday 24th March at 11.00am


Please see the guide below which will walk you through the process of getting logged in and booking appointments.






You will be able to book appointments with your child's class teacher. If your child's class has two teachers, it may be either of them taking the appointment, and it may not necessarily be the teacher named in the booking.


We are also offering the opportunity for everyone to speak to Mr Jarvill, Mr Marsh and Mrs Kidd if needed and these will be preselected for you when you go to book.  You do not need to make an appointment with them so you can upn-tick these options.


If you do wish to speak to them, please leave a message in the message box so that they are aware of what you would like to discuss, appointments without messages will not go ahead.


If you have no concerns that you would like to discuss with them, please ensure that you uncheck them during the booking process.


If you are making appointments for more than one child or for one child with more than one member of staff please do consider using the automatic booking option which will optimise the scheduling of appointments for you!
