Catch Up Funding:
School has now received £6560 in funding for catch up; it should be noted that we have been running a catch-up curriculum since Summer Term before any funding award, using our existing resources of LSAs and class teachers. At the beginning of the autumn term, we invested in NFER for Y1-Y6 testing to enable us to determine where the gaps are; the data analysis has broken this down into various groups, including the key group of vulnerable children. Staff will now use this analysis to plan more specific interventions. Any remaining funding from the grant is now used to support these children using our existing staff as opposed to buying into the government recommended tutor schemes for the following reasons:
1. The tutor scheme will be an online facility which some of our families may not be able to access, and if they can, may not have a suitable learning environment in the home.
2. If the catch-up happens in normal lesson time, children will be missing the planned curriculum and potentially fall further behind in other areas.
3. Our staff will be aware of the daily learning, they can communicate effectively with other staff and will know the children they support.
4. In-school support will be a significantly cheaper option allowing us to support more children.
We have 5 LSAs who have volunteered to run catch up sessions and 5 teachers. Once the November progress data has been fully analysed these sessions will start.
Suffolk County Council has produced 5 videos with the latest advice on travelling to school – with particular emphasis on COVID-19 precautions. See links below:
Links to Government Advice and Information
Links for Advice and Information on Home Learning